Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-(USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set/4 Sample Test,Sample questions

  According to Hobbes the primitive people were encouraged to conclude social contract on account of:


2.Growth of political consciousness

3.Their desire to preserve private property

4.Their desire to preserve individual liberty

  According to Rousseau the two instincts  which governed the action of man in the state of nature  were: 

1.Social Contract

2.Origin of the Species

3.Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

4.Modern State

  According to Rousseau the two instincts  which governed the action of man in the state of nature  were:

1.Fear and religion

2.Self-interest and fear

3. Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

4. Protection of life and property

  In the Feudal State authority rested with:

1.Military classes

2.Commercial classes

3.Landed classes

4.Religious classes

  Rousseau was an advocate of:

1.Popular Sovereignty

2.Individual Sovereignty

3. Political Sovereignty

4.Legal Sovereignty

  The contract envisaged by Rousseau was:

1.Both the social contract

2.A social contract

3.A political contract

4.A legal contract

  The earliest territorial State was:

1.Greek city-state

2.Oriental Empire

3.Roman Empire

4.Feudal State

  The early Oriental Empires were mostly located:

1. One the sea coasts

2.In the fertile valleys

3.On the banks of rivers

4.In Europe

  The General Will according to Rousseau is:

1.Always right

2.Generally right

3.Never right

4. Can be both right and wrong

  The main profounder of the evolutionary theory were:

1.Hobbes and Locke

2.Lenin and Marx

3.Plato and Aristotle

4.Burgess and Leacock

  The most outstanding contributions of the Roman Empire were:

1.Unity uniformity of law sovereign organisation and world peace

2.Unity individual freedom democratic system and patriotism

3.Popular Assemblies democracy individual freedom and sovereignty

4.None of the above

  Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Historical and evolutionary theories are the same

2.Historical and evolutionary theories are two opposite theories

3.Historical and evolutionary theories have many common points

4.Historical and evolutionary theories deal with the origin and functions of state respectively

  Which one of the following theories regarded the origin of state evoked maximum controversy?

1.Force Theory

2.Divine Origin Theory

3.Social Contract Theory

4.Evolutionary Theory

  Which one of the following thinkers is connected with the concept of General Will?




4.T.H. Green

  Which one of the followings has not been included by Locke 2in the list of natural rights?

1.Right of life

2.Right to liberty

3.Right to property

4.Right to work

  Which one of the followings is accepted as the true theory of the origin of state?

1.Divine Right theory

2.Force theory

3.Social Contract theory

4. Evolutionary theory

  Who said that "Man is born free  and everywhere he is in chains"?





 In modern times the Force theory of the origin of state found a strong advocate in


2.Winston Churchill


4.Mahatma Gandhi

 Kinship  which according to the Evolutionary theory was one of the major contributory factors for the origin of state  means:

1. Rule by Kind

2. Belief in common blood relationship

3.Belief in divinity of Kind

4.Association with peoples of the same region

 The General Will is:



3.Ejoys only limited sovereignty

4.Legally sovereign

 The modern state is described as:

1.A police state

2.A welfare state

3.A laissez faire state

4. Autocratic state

 The Social Contract theory replaced:

1.The Force theory

2.Divine Origin theory

3.Patriarchal theory

4.Matriarchal theory

 Under Rousseau s contract:

1.Each individual surrendered his powers to the King

2.Each individual surrendered his powers to the Parliament

3.Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

4. Each person received certain rights from the King

 Which one of the following thinkers did not criticise the theory of social contract?

1. Karl Marx



4. T.H. Green

One of the major contributions of the Social Contract theory is that:

1.It assumes that the relationship between the state and individual is voluntary

2.It assumes that the individual made the contract for personal safety and security of personal property

3.It assumes that a contract is possible outside the state

4.It gave a death blow to the Divine Origin theory and paved the way for democracy

One of the outstanding contributions of the Roman Empire was:

1.Individual liberty

2.Autonomy of units

3.Introduction of democracy

4.Universal code of law

Religion helped in the evolution of state by cultivating following two qualities:

1.Reverence and obedience

2.Faith and Power

3.Faith in heaven and hell

4.Superstition and faith in god

Roussean borrowed the concept of absolute sovereignty from:





Rousseau hailed from 




4. Russia

Rousseau s Social Contract theory exercised immense influence on:

1.The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England

2.The French Revolution of 1779

3.The French Revolution of October 1917

4.The American War of independence

The area test contribution of Hobbes to Political theory was:

1.Natural State Theory

2.Social Contract Theory

3.Monarchical Theory

4.Patriarcal Theory

The City-states which made their appearance before the birth of Christ are generally associated with:





The City-states:

1.Believed in arbitrary rule

2.Granted feeedom to all the people

3.Granted freedom only to the citizens

4.Granted freedom to citizen as well as aliens

The early Oriental Empires rested on:

1.Fear of God

2.Despotism of King

3.Sweet will of the people

4. Laws of nature

The Evolutionary theory holds that:

1.The state was created during the early periods of human history

2. State was created by revolution

3.State was created in the fourteenth century

4.State is the result of slow process of growth

The four factors which helped in the evolution of the state were:

1.Population Religion Government and Force

2.Population Territory Government

3.Kinship Religion Force and Political Consciousness

4.Religion Force Territory and Government

The General Will  is:


2.Keeps on changing according to time and place

3.Purely Temporary

4.Highly flexible

The General Will means:

1.Will of the majority

2.Unanimous will

3.Collection of individual wills

4.Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism

The most important factor in the development of the modern state was:

1.Scientific advancement

2.Revival of ancient culture

3.Growth of national consciousness

4.Growing importance of religion

The Principle of  public good  was borrowed by Rousseau from:

1.J.S. Mill

2.T.H. Green



The Roman Empire was characterized by:

1.A Highly centralized administration

2.Complete autonomy for its units

3.Division of powers between the centre and state

4.Popular Assemblies

The Social Contract Theory of Rousseau is:

1.Identical to the theory of Hobbes

2.Identical to the theory of Locke

3.Has no resemblance with the views of either Hobbes or Locke

4. Combines the points of theories of both Hobbes and Locke

The Social Contract theory paved the way for:

1.Rise of absolute monarchy

2.Introduction of direct democracy

3.Growth of autocratic systems of governent


The state is neither the handiwork of God  nor the result of superior physical force  nor the creation of a resulution or convention nor a mere expansion of the family" who said this?




4.T.H. Green

The state of nature  according to Rousseau  was:

1.A period of peace and happiness

2.A period of constant warfare

3.A period of great uncertainty

4.A period of selfishness

The theory of origin of state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of growth is known as:

1.Organic Theory

2.Social Contract Theory

3.Evolutionary Theory

4.Patriarchal Theory

The two important factors  which according to Rousseau compelled the people to leave the state of nature and create the state were:

1.Growth of population and property

2.Emergence of strong religious and military classes

3.Fear of foreign danger and need of a strong ruler to protect them

4.Growth of property and fear of revolution

The various stages through which the modern state evolved itself were:

1.Tribal state Greek-city state Roman Empire Feudal state and Modern state

2.Greek city-state Tribal state Feudal state Roman state and Modern State

3.Greek city-state Tribal state Roman state Fedudal state and Modern state

4.Tribal state Greek city-state Feudal state Roman state and Modern state

The view that the state arose not as the creator of law but the interpreter and enforcer of customs was expressed by:





Tribal State means:

1.A political organization which existed before the creation of the state

2.The state which are ruled by the Kings of the same tribe

3.The states possessing population from the same tribe

4.The states which have majority of tribal population

Under the Feudal State offices were distributed on the basis of:


2. Principle of heredity

3.Draw of lots

4.Highest bidding

Which one of the following defects of the Social Contract theory is correct?

1.It attached undue importance to religion

2.It attached too much of importance to force

3.It supported the Divine Right of the Kings

4.It is historically wrong

Which one of the following factors prompted countries like Britain  France etc  to carve out the colonial empire?

1.Urge to civilize the backward people

2.Urge to propagate christianity

3.To make use of the resources of colonies for mother country

4.To collect foodstuffs which were badly needed by their people

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.The General Will is best expressed through parliamentary institutions

2.The General Will is represented by the King

3.The General Will is represented by the popularly elected government

4.General Will cannot be represented through Parliamentary institutions

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.The Feudal state promoted individual liberty

2. The feudal state promoted unity

3.The Feudal state neither promoted liberty nor unity

4.The Feudal state promoted individual liberty and autonomy of units

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Locke s law of nature was nothing but a bundle of common senses

2.Locke talks of two contracts Social and Governmental

3.Locke says that the Social Contract is superior to the Governmental Contract

4. Locke held that the Governmental Contract was superior to the Social Contract

Which one of the following theories regarding the origin of state was very popular during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

1.Divine Origin Theory

2.Force Theory

3.Social Contract Theory

4.Historical Theory

Which one of the followings is the most acceptable theory regarding the origin of the state:

1.Social Contract

2.Divine Origin

3.Force theory

4.Historical theory

Who out of the followings made out a case for absolute monarchy:





Who said that man s life in the state of nature was  solitary  poor  nasty  brutish and short ?




4.Karl Marx


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